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Lawn weed, moss and disease control throughout Crawley, Horsham and West Sussex

Keep your lawn disease and moss free with Nulawn

With over 25 years experience in the lawn care industry, we treat and prevent outbreaks of fungus, disease and moss on both domestic and commercial lawns.

Weed and moss control

We recommend in order to control weeds that your lawn is treated at least twice a year. We use selective weed control alongside suitable fertiliser in order to encourage the grass to grow rather than the weeds.

Moss can become a chronic problem for most lawns. Changing turf conditions can improve the problem, though treatment and removal is the best solution.


This process is used in order to remove dead moss from your lawn. Too much moss and thatch prevents moisture and vital nutrients reaching the lawn’s root system. We also have equipment to scarify sports grounds.


Aeration is a mechanical process that alleviates problems such as moss, thatch, compaction and poor drainage. It allows more nutrients and moisture to reach the grass root systems. This therefore aids root growth, allowing for a strong and healthier lawn!

Fungus and disease control

Keeping up regular maintenance is the best method of keeping fungus and lawn diseases in control. Diseases to look out for include: Fusarium, Red Thread and the Dollar Spot.

Don’t let weeds and fungus ruin the look and health of your lawn. With such simple and value for money means of treatment available, keep your grass greener with Nulawn.

Get in touch today